Hemorrhagic Fever,EHF)是由埃博拉病毒(Ebolavirus)引起的一种急性出血性传染病。人主要通过接触病人或感染动物的体液、分泌物和排泄物等而感染,临床表现主要为突起发热、恶心、呕吐、腹痛,腹泻黏液便或血便,腹泻可持续数天,随后出现出血和多脏器损害。埃博拉出血热病死率高,可达50%-90%。
1.姓名: 2.国籍: 3.性别:⑴男⑵女
4.年龄(岁): 5.联系电话: (是否核实 是 否)
6.学历:(1)本科生(2)研究生(3)博士生 学院 系
7.来自国家: 8.入境时间:
11.您所在国家居住地是否有埃博拉出血热病例 (1)是(2)否
12.如有,您家属或身边朋友是否有人患病 (1)是(2)否
Attach 3
Health-related tips for returnees from the four West African countries
To every related students:
How are you!
Now the infectious disease of EHF (ebola h
emorrhagic fever)is plaguing in Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Nigeria, West Africa. For the sake of your health, here we give you some basic tips and know some simple information, hope you could cooperate with us closely and comply with them exactly.
EHF is an acute h
emorrhagic infectious disease caused by ebolavirus. It can also be spread between humans by close contact with infected body fluids, secretion, excretion or through infected needles in the hospital. Its main symptoms includes sudden high fever, nausea, vomit, abdomen ache, watery diarrhea or bloody stool. Diarrhea may sustain for days, then bleeding and multi-organs impairment may occur. EHF has a high mortality, as high as 50%-90%.
一、Your general information
1.Name: 2. Nationality:
3.Gender: ⑴male ⑵female
4.Age: 5.Telephone: (Check Yes No)
Department: Major:
7. The country you just visited:
8. Your arrival date from abroad:
9.Flight No:
10.Adress in China:
11.Are there cases of Ebola
Hemorrhagic Fever in the last country you go to (1)Yes (2)No
12.If there are, whether or not your relatives or your friends are infected(1)Yes (2)No
二、please pay close attention to your health, if you feel bad, you should inform the school hospital immediately.
You need health monitoring for 21 days, during this time, don't leave school unauthorized, every day in the morning and evening take temperature measurement respectively. If you have high fever, chills, malaise, headache, nausea, diarrhea, rash and other related symptoms, please immediately inform the school hospital. Telephone:62797647,emai:
Haidian Center for Diseases Prevention and Control
August 18th, 2014